Project Create

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Archive for the tag “Doodle A Day”

Daily Art Project: Doodle A Day

If Project Create hopes to accomplish anything, its to show you that anyone can be artistic at any time. Check out this inspiring idea from the creative mind over at Mindless Babble:

I recently saw this thing called the 365 project in which someone is suppose to take one picture a day for a whole year.  I got interested in this project but me not being one for taking pictures I decided to do my own version of the project.

Instead of taking one picture a day I will produce one doodle a day.  I’m not the greatest artist in the world, it’s just something I used to do a lot as a kid that I want to reconnect with. I’m also interested to see if my art will improve at all at the end of these 365 days.

Since I will be drawing something new each day I need a subject matter, and what better subject to use other than my favorite video game series Mega Man.  So for the next 365 days I’ll be drawing a new character from the classic Mega Man series and once that’s done I’ll most likely move on to other video game related things.

So let the doodles begin!!!

So how about it? Think you can doodle once a day for an entire year? If you work in an office, you probably do it already, so you might as well make a game of it. So grab a pen and a piece of paper and doodle away!

Please feel free to share your doodles with Project Create. We would love to see what you come up with.

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